What is vertigo?
- A symptom, rather than diagnosis.
- A false sense of movement/motion – typically a spinning sense
What is dizziness?
- A sense of unsteadiness/giddiness/imbalance/disorientation/disequilibrium
Cause of vertigo
o Central = typically brain related
o Peripheral = outside the brain – typically the inner ear/vestibular system
Risk factors
- Age
- Females are 2x more likely to suffer from a vestibular condition Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
- Sometimes referred to as ‘crystals’
- Caused by otoconia (calcium carbonate crystals) dislodging from the utricle and falling into the semi-circular canals
- Typical symptoms: A spinning sense, lasting less than 60 seconds, triggered when rolling over in bed, looking up, and bending forwards.
- Treatment: Completely treatable – no one should ever live with BPPV/the crystals or trained Vestibular Physiotherapist
Further information